- Long hair: growing your hair long and natural can have great benefits as far as catching your man’s eye. The days of too much product in your hair if it is long are over; the modern man wants to be able to run his fingers through your long natural hair. The best way to save money is to simply have a friend trim off the ends once in a while at home.
- Short hair: this is a great idea if you currently have long or medium length hair and want something entirely new. The original pixie cut from the sixties is a great way to go particularly if you are a natural beauty that doesn’t need a lot of make-up to look good and if your face suits that type of hairstyle. Remember not to use too much hair product in your hair, short hair makes that really noticeable.
- Back to skirts: if you are in a long term relationship or are married one of the best ways to remind your man of why exactly he is with you is to buy a new skirt, short but not too short, just enough to show off some of your great assets. There are plenty of skirts that look expensive but are actually really affordable, especially a classic denim mini skirt.
- Ditch the heavy make-up: the key here is to exfoliate, the days of the heavy beige foundation are over, and men want natural-looking women. The best approach is to invest in a good exfoliator that will last you a good few months, use it once or twice a week and in no time you will have that natural, healthy glow to your skin. If you have occasional oil problems simply buy a translucent powder and touch up when ever you need to.